Rekeszizmokat előkészíteni, íme a legviccesebb természetfotók

2018. június 3. 13:02 |

Idén immár negyedik alkalommal rendezik meg a Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards versenyt, melynek során a legviccesebb természetfotókat keresik a világ minden tájáról.

A beérkező felvételek minden évben sok mosolyt csalnak az arcunkra, az pedig külön öröm volt a 2017-es kiírásban, hogy egy magyar fényképész, Kercz Tibor nyerte meg a fődíjat.

Bár a nevezési határidő lejártáig (június 30.) még egy hónap hátra van, már most számtalan mulatságos fotó érkezett be a szervezőkhöz, akik egyébként nemes céllal hívták életre a versenyt.

Mint honlapjukon írják, azt akarjuk, hogy mindenki csatlakozzon a vadon élő állatok védelméhez, üssük meg a dobot, verjünk rá a cintányérra és csináljunk hangzavart, hogy mindenkihez eljusson az üzenet. A vadvilág, ahogyan ma ismerjük, veszélyben van a bolygó minden táján, ezért valamit tennünk kell, hogy megmentsük azt.


És a képek: 


„Meglőttek, menj, mentsd magad” – Yusuke Okada

Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

„Valaki azt mondta, hogy csokoládé?” – Shane Keena

Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

„Csak kövesd a táncom” – Potozky László

Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

Amikor el akarod valakinek mondani, mennyire szereted – Indonézia, Muhammad Faishol Husni

*** EXCLUSIVE ***</p>
<p>BATAM, INDONESIA - 2017: Ant Pictured carrying a flower in Batam, Indonesia.</p>
<p>SPRING has sprung back into action and so have the 2018 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards - here are the best entries so far. Two dancing polar bears by Luca Venturi have made the cut, along with an ant that's bitten off a little more than it can chew, shot by Muhammed Faishol Husni. The awards were founded by Tom Sullam and Paul Joynson-Hicks MBE, and aim to raise awareness of wildlife conservation through the power of laughter. The duo are part of a panel of judges, which also includes wildlife TV presenter Kate Humble, actor and comedian Hugh Dennis, wildlife photographer Will Burrard-Lucas, wildlife expert Will Travers OBCE, the Telegraphs online travel editor Oliver Smith and new 2018 judge the Managing Director of Affinity, Ashley Hewson. It?s not too late to enter your own hilarious photograph into the competition, and entries are free. Entrants can submit up to three images into each category and up to two video clips of no more than 60 seconds into the video clip category. The overall winner will be named the 2018 Comedy Wildlife Photographer of the Year and win a one week safari with Alex Walker's Serian - and there plenty of other fantastic prizes up for grabs for runners up. The competition is open to the public, with the deadline on 30th June 2018.</p>
<p>******Editors Note - Condition of Usage: These photos must be used in conjunction with the competition Comedy Wildlife Photography Competition 2018***** </p>
<p>PHOTOGRAPH BY Muhammad Faishol Husni / CWPA / Barcroft Images
Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

Anyaürge veszekszik a gyerekével – Kanada, Nick Parayko

*** EXCLUSIVE ***</p>
<p>ALBERTA, CANADA - 2017: A mother ground squirrel calls directly at her young pup in Alberta, Canada.</p>
<p>SPRING has sprung back into action and so have the 2018 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards - here are the best entries so far. Two dancing polar bears by Luca Venturi have made the cut, along with an ant that's bitten off a little more than it can chew, shot by Muhammed Faishol Husni. The awards were founded by Tom Sullam and Paul Joynson-Hicks MBE, and aim to raise awareness of wildlife conservation through the power of laughter. The duo are part of a panel of judges, which also includes wildlife TV presenter Kate Humble, actor and comedian Hugh Dennis, wildlife photographer Will Burrard-Lucas, wildlife expert Will Travers OBCE, the Telegraphs online travel editor Oliver Smith and new 2018 judge the Managing Director of Affinity, Ashley Hewson. It?s not too late to enter your own hilarious photograph into the competition, and entries are free. Entrants can submit up to three images into each category and up to two video clips of no more than 60 seconds into the video clip category. The overall winner will be named the 2018 Comedy Wildlife Photographer of the Year and win a one week safari with Alex Walker's Serian - and there plenty of other fantastic prizes up for grabs for runners up. The competition is open to the public, with the deadline on 30th June 2018.</p>
<p>******Editors Note - Condition of Usage: These photos must be used in conjunction with the competition Comedy Wildlife Photography Competition 2018***** </p>
<p>PHOTOGRAPH BY Nick Parayko / CWPA / Barcroft Images
Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

„Ha még egyszer valaki megkérdezi, hogy rossz napom van-e…” – USA, Daniel L. Friend

*** EXCLUSIVE ***</p>
<p>WEST VIRGINIA, UNITED STATES - 2013: Rabbit hiding face with hands covering his eyes in West Virginia, United States.</p>
<p>SPRING has sprung back into action and so have the 2018 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards - here are the best entries so far. Two dancing polar bears by Luca Venturi have made the cut, along with an ant that's bitten off a little more than it can chew, shot by Muhammed Faishol Husni. The awards were founded by Tom Sullam and Paul Joynson-Hicks MBE, and aim to raise awareness of wildlife conservation through the power of laughter. The duo are part of a panel of judges, which also includes wildlife TV presenter Kate Humble, actor and comedian Hugh Dennis, wildlife photographer Will Burrard-Lucas, wildlife expert Will Travers OBCE, the Telegraphs online travel editor Oliver Smith and new 2018 judge the Managing Director of Affinity, Ashley Hewson. It?s not too late to enter your own hilarious photograph into the competition, and entries are free. Entrants can submit up to three images into each category and up to two video clips of no more than 60 seconds into the video clip category. The overall winner will be named the 2018 Comedy Wildlife Photographer of the Year and win a one week safari with Alex Walker's Serian - and there plenty of other fantastic prizes up for grabs for runners up. The competition is open to the public, with the deadline on 30th June 2018.</p>
<p>******Editors Note - Condition of Usage: These photos must be used in conjunction with the competition Comedy Wildlife Photography Competition 2018***** </p>
<p>PHOTOGRAPH BY DanieI L Friend / CWPA / Barcroft Images
Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

„Áruld el, hová rejtetted a halakat” – USA, Amy Kennedy

*** EXCLUSIVE ***</p>
<p>SOUTH GEORGIA ISLAND - 2018: King Penguins gang up on a fur seal in South Georgia.</p>
<p>SPRING has sprung back into action and so have the 2018 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards - here are the best entries so far. Two dancing polar bears by Luca Venturi have made the cut, along with an ant that's bitten off a little more than it can chew, shot by Muhammed Faishol Husni. The awards were founded by Tom Sullam and Paul Joynson-Hicks MBE, and aim to raise awareness of wildlife conservation through the power of laughter. The duo are part of a panel of judges, which also includes wildlife TV presenter Kate Humble, actor and comedian Hugh Dennis, wildlife photographer Will Burrard-Lucas, wildlife expert Will Travers OBCE, the Telegraphs online travel editor Oliver Smith and new 2018 judge the Managing Director of Affinity, Ashley Hewson. It?s not too late to enter your own hilarious photograph into the competition, and entries are free. Entrants can submit up to three images into each category and up to two video clips of no more than 60 seconds into the video clip category. The overall winner will be named the 2018 Comedy Wildlife Photographer of the Year and win a one week safari with Alex Walker's Serian - and there plenty of other fantastic prizes up for grabs for runners up. The competition is open to the public, with the deadline on 30th June 2018.</p>
<p>******Editors Note - Condition of Usage: These photos must be used in conjunction with the competition Comedy Wildlife Photography Competition 2018***** </p>
<p>PHOTOGRAPH BY Amy Kennedy / CWPA / Barcroft Images
Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

„Bocsánat. Ez kiszaladt” – Madagaszkár, Jacob Strecker

*** EXCLUSIVE ***</p>
<p>MADAGASCAR - 2016: Pictured Astonished Lemur in Madagascar.</p>
<p>SPRING has sprung back into action and so have the 2018 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards - here are the best entries so far. Two dancing polar bears by Luca Venturi have made the cut, along with an ant that's bitten off a little more than it can chew, shot by Muhammed Faishol Husni. The awards were founded by Tom Sullam and Paul Joynson-Hicks MBE, and aim to raise awareness of wildlife conservation through the power of laughter. The duo are part of a panel of judges, which also includes wildlife TV presenter Kate Humble, actor and comedian Hugh Dennis, wildlife photographer Will Burrard-Lucas, wildlife expert Will Travers OBCE, the Telegraphs online travel editor Oliver Smith and new 2018 judge the Managing Director of Affinity, Ashley Hewson. It?s not too late to enter your own hilarious photograph into the competition, and entries are free. Entrants can submit up to three images into each category and up to two video clips of no more than 60 seconds into the video clip category. The overall winner will be named the 2018 Comedy Wildlife Photographer of the Year and win a one week safari with Alex Walker's Serian - and there plenty of other fantastic prizes up for grabs for runners up. The competition is open to the public, with the deadline on 30th June 2018.</p>
<p>******Editors Note - Condition of Usage: These photos must be used in conjunction with the competition Comedy Wildlife Photography Competition 2018***** </p>
<p>PHOTOGRAPH BY Jakob Strecker / CWPA / Barcroft Images
Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

Madárnak öltözve ennek a mókusnak már nem lesz gondja a beilleszkedéssel a galambok közé – Anglia, Maria Kula

*** EXCLUSIVE ***</p>
<p>ARUNDEL, UNITED KINGDOM - UNDATED: Grey Squirrel pictured with a feather on head in Arundel, England.</p>
<p>SPRING has sprung back into action and so have the 2018 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards - here are the best entries so far. Two dancing polar bears by Luca Venturi have made the cut, along with an ant that's bitten off a little more than it can chew, shot by Muhammed Faishol Husni. The awards were founded by Tom Sullam and Paul Joynson-Hicks MBE, and aim to raise awareness of wildlife conservation through the power of laughter. The duo are part of a panel of judges, which also includes wildlife TV presenter Kate Humble, actor and comedian Hugh Dennis, wildlife photographer Will Burrard-Lucas, wildlife expert Will Travers OBCE, the Telegraphs online travel editor Oliver Smith and new 2018 judge the Managing Director of Affinity, Ashley Hewson. It?s not too late to enter your own hilarious photograph into the competition, and entries are free. Entrants can submit up to three images into each category and up to two video clips of no more than 60 seconds into the video clip category. The overall winner will be named the 2018 Comedy Wildlife Photographer of the Year and win a one week safari with Alex Walker's Serian - and there plenty of other fantastic prizes up for grabs for runners up. The competition is open to the public, with the deadline on 30th June 2018.</p>
<p>******Editors Note - Condition of Usage: These photos must be used in conjunction with the competition Comedy Wildlife Photography Competition 2018***** </p>
<p>PHOTOGRAPH BY Maria Kula / CWPA / Barcroft Images
Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

Egy tinédzser jegesmedve élete – Denise Dupras

Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

Ez a dugong láthatóan élvezi, ha csiklandozzák – Michele Hall

Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

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